Sunday, May 31, 2009

Today is a saturday.Which means holiday.was supposed to meet love at vivo today to catch night at the museum is fully packed with people and all the seats are booked.Well,it didn't came to my mind that there willl be lots of people at vivo.=.= Thus,we went TB plaza instead.
had our lunch,did some window shopping.yeah,i always do window shopping.that's because i'm always broke.

The movie was alright,but just kinda boring for us.seeing creatures running around the museum was funny,though.Maybe we expected there will be creatures running around,so it's expected anyway.not fun.i felt my eyelid dropping down because i'm sleepy halfway through the movie.

Suddenly,i have the urge to delete this blog away because i don't have the mood to blog?
i thought maybe i should stick to writing down my feelings and everything is

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